

Shaving Razor with Handle and Razor Blade Combo


Shaving Razor With Handle and Razor Blade Combo

 comes with refills for use with the 5 razor features and an advanced design.

Shaving Razor With Handle and Razor Blade Combo

comes with refills for use with the 5 razor features an advanced design that will give you the best shave for your skin. For thick and coarse hair, a 5-blade razor appeals more because this offers the ability to cut through thick hair quickly and easily. When shaving this way, the hair goes below the skin surface into the follicle.

Due to this, dermatologists suggest people grow out their beards, and if they must shave, it is best if they utilize a 5-blade Shaver to ensure a closer shave. Men Shaving Blades is the ultimate experience in men’s grooming. You can always trust Mache 3 will give you a great shave, at a great value.


  • Size: Razor holder with Razor blade replacement heads
  • Material: 5-Layers Stainless steel razor blade
  • Feature1:: For Men Shaving
  • Feature2:: Manual shaving hair removal


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